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Coronavirus Updates for Long Beach, California

Coronavirus Updates for Long Beach, California


While the summer sun has brought many Long Beach residents out of self-isolation, the pandemic isn’t over yet.

Recent news, statistic updates, and messages from city officials remind us that while we may be feeling more confident in living with a “new normal,” there is still reason to adhere to public health mandates and advisories.

Let’s review the latest statistics and recommendations to keep our Long Beach community safe.

By the Numbers
As of July 20th, 2020, the City of Long Beach has reported 188 new COVID-19 cases, bringing the total case count to 6,522 since the beginning of the pandemic. There have been 159 deaths and 4,955 recoveries.

The median age of new cases has dropped to 33 years (from 52 years in May) and now 60% of Long Beach residents who test positive for the virus are under the age of 40.


Updates from Mayor Robert Garcia
On July 18th, Mayor Garcia reminded the Long Beach community that public health always comes first. Garcia, now with two family members hospitalized with COVID-19, shared his plans to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the Long Beach community with expanded testing (reaching over 1,400 per day) in city, state, and private-run labs.

Mayor Garcia sees this as an opportunity for Long Beach to lead the fight against COVID-19 by adhering to public health protocols and maintaining social distancing, wearing appropriate face coverings, and hand washing.

Staying Home is Still a Part of Long Beach Life

Dr. Anissa Davis, Long Beach’s health officer, reminds us that social events and gatherings are still prohibited at this time in Long Beach. Davis mentioned that many new cases have been linked to social gatherings in the week prior.

Mayor Garcia and Long Beach health officials continue to recommend physical distancing, handwashing, face masks, and responsible actions from all Long Beach residents to keep the spread of COVID-19 manageable and protect our city’s residents.

“Having a strong and healthy economy means having a strong and healthy community.” – Mayor Garcia

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