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When you’ve had a bad day, District Wine about it

When you’ve had a bad day, District Wine about it

Written and Photographed by LilyAnne Rice | @awriterwhoeats

Let me be the first to admit: on a scale of amish to sommelier, I am just a casual wine drinker. Wine tastings amuse me, but not if I have to listen to the wine being talked about for more than five minutes before I get to drink it. Usually what I’m looking for is a great glass of red and a good vibe, and Wine District delivers that in droves. I walked onto the patio of District Wine on a breezy Sunday afternoon, and was seated on a cozy couch under an umbrella. A friend had previously told me I needed to try the pea tapenade, so I went for that first. It was a bold lime green color, and even though I’m not a fan of peas the vegetable, I’m 100% a fan of peas the tapenade – it’s a creamy, dreamy must order. They also have small bites. I tried the BBQ brisket flatbread, the new spring rolls, and curry mac and cheese. It’s impressive that a wine bar has all those options and more. Next time I think I’ll go for a charcuterie plate, because not only does that seem like an obvious choice, I believe that this place is really all about the drinks, the drink pairings, and the glorious interior.

Another little birdie told me to try the wine flight, where for $18 you can taste three to four of their featured red and white wines. For a first time visitor, this is the right course to chart, especially for someone like me who can wing it with red, white, or rosé. If you’re a wine connoisseur but your friends are strictly beer savants, or even cocktail masters, you don’t have to leave them behind.District Wine is also district beer and cocktail, with several draft beer options, and more than several cocktail options. I went for The Boss, which, if you’re easily amused like me, will easily amuse you. It’s a bubbly drink with a sugar cube inside that fizzes until you’re done drinking the last drop. They tell you that you shouldn’t play with your food, but never said you shouldn’t play with your drinks, so this is right on target.

Stomach full on bold reds and pizza, I wandered into the interior of the restaurant from my comfy outdoor couch. I was met by stoic leather chairs and moody lamps, casting shadows of wine bottles on gold picture frames.

The decor is a spectacular mixof storybook Beauty and the Beast castle vibes, and a roaring 20’s, velvety gin joint. It’s sectioned off into roughly three seating areas, all of which were places that made we want to cross my own legs, swirl my wine legs, puff a cigar, and discuss the ins and outs of the latest Fitzgerald novel. I’ve heard whispers of an underground joint that’s available under special reservation. If it’s anything like the upstairs – count me in. At District Wine, the glass is definitely half full.

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