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What Gives on Long Beach’s Giving Day?

What Gives on Long Beach’s Giving Day?


Join the Efforts of 150+ Nonprofits in Long Beach for One Day of Giving

On September 24th, the city of Long Beach will embark on its 2nd annual day of giving. Long Beach Gives is an initiative spearheaded by the Josephine S. Gumbiner Foundation (JSGF), whose sole purpose is to bring the city together to reach a fundraising goal by collaborating with local non-profits, volunteer peer fundraisers, business sponsors, and more during a coordinated day of giving. In 2019, this fundraising model, which has been used by organizations and cities around the country, was introduced to the city of Long Beach in an effort to raise awareness and encourage in-kind donations for 93 local nonprofits that provide mission critical support to the community.

In 2019, Long Beach residents helped Long Beach Gives surpass their original goal of helping local nonprofits raise $350,000, by generating approximately $822,000 in its first year. This year, Long Beach Gives intends to raise the bar with a goal of generating over $1 million in donations for 150+ participating nonprofit organizations.

As the effects of the pandemic loom across our great city, our local nonprofits need help now more than ever. Many of them are on the front lines providing support to those deeply impacted by the effects of COVID-19.

Every little bit counts, so we are encouraging those who can participate to contribute to their favorite local organizations on Giving Day on September 24th. Whether you can donate $5 or $5,000, you can choose from a number of participating Long Beach organizations to contribute to and/or promote.

Not familiar with any local nonprofits? Choose from 16 different categories of causes to contribute to. From animals to education, take this opportunity to learn about the great work that organizations within our community are doing by finding a nonprofit on the Long Beach Gives web page. All participating organizations will be accepting tax deductible donations on their designated fundraising pages.

Long Beach nonprofits are incredibly amazing organizations that are committed to supporting the greater good of our community. Funds raised by our community provide direct support for those in need. For example, donations made to the Casa Youth Center in 2019 by Long Beach residents were able to help provide hundreds of youth in crisis with a safe place to stay, nourishing meals, support services, and counseling.

Don’t wait to participate.

Early giving starts on September 17th so be sure to get your donations in ahead of time, and then spread the word and encourage your friends and family to do the same. For more information and to donate, please visit

Also, be sure to check our prizes page for more information on how participating nonprofits can be rewarded for their efforts in generating the most action during the giving period, so we encourage you to be a part of their fundraising success!

Together, as a community, we can make a difference at a time where our city needs it most.

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