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The Draculas Give Back to the Community

The Draculas Give Back to the Community


“We painted a mural for a school up in north Long Beach, and a huge part of this project was to have the students involved.  Something I thought about was of the subjects in school and how programs in the arts are often cut, this school went through the grant process to make this happen because they understood the importance of art and how good it is for the students.  It’s pure expression at it’s finest form. Of all the pieces, projects, and murals we’ve done this was the first one that we really felt that we gave back on and working together with this community was nothing but a positive experience. We’re pretty proud of the work but mostly of the students and what they brought to this piece.  They can take pride in their work while walking past it at school everyday and feel good to know that they were a part of this mural and own it because it’s their mural.” Words from Dracula Jeff McMillan, for those who do not know The Draculas are a trio of artists (Jeff McMillan, Gary Musgrave, and Jake Kazakos) who paint their murals overnight that gives them the name. We had the honor of watching Jeff at work this last past week as he painted 4 panels in The Allery in Bixby Knolls (right next to EJ Malloys). We stood up until the middle of the night to talk about folklore, their history, ghost stories to tell in the dark, Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, and what the future stores for these incredibly talented creatures. On June 9th, they will be part of the first ever Art Panel and Music and newly opened Liberation Brewing Company. Another great event to attend will be their opening at MADE by Millworks, where they will have 13 large scale pieces in Conjunction with POW!WOW! there will be performances by Pow Wow School Of Music, Ghetto Palm Sounds, and Coastal. Keep an ear out for these boys’ futures are looking particularly bright for nocturnal animals.

Soaring To Success feat. The Draculas from SICKBOAT Creative Studios on Vimeo.

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