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The Best Ways to Give Back in Long Beach

The Best Ways to Give Back in Long Beach


During the holiday season, it’s easy to become consumed with all the usual stressors and the busyness of the season. This has been a tough year for everyone, so why not take a moment to slow down and give back? Giving back to your community not only helps those whose lives you touch, but it also enriches your life, too.

Here are some simple ways to give back to the Long Beach community this holiday season!

Work with the Boys & Girls Club of Long Beach

Their Mission: “To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Our purpose is to provide caring, adult professionals, and a safe place for youth to learn and grow where hope and opportunity is provided through life-enhancing programs and character development experiences.”

The Boys & Girls Club of Long Beach are always looking for donations for kids between the ages of 6 to 18. They are looking for anything a child might enjoy, including art supplies, school supplies, books, board games, computer equipment, bikes, outdoor equipment, and more. Do you have these things stuffed away in a closet? Or perhaps your own children are now grown, but you’d love to splurge on a child in need? Contact the Boys & Girls Club to find out how you can help!

Donate to Grateful Hearts

Their mission: “Our Mission is to provide hope for the hurting by serving those in need locally and abroad.  We accomplish this through the provision of food, clothing, hygiene products, furniture, appliances, and other basic necessities, free of charge to the jobless, the working poor, the disabled, the elderly, and those experiencing times of crisis.”

Grateful Hearts is a wonderful charity in our Long Beach neighborhood that accepts food, clothing, hygiene products, and furniture donations and more. They are hard at work to help people who have lost their jobs, are disabled, or are elderly get the restart they need to enhance their lives. This year, they would love your donations, time, or services to help your community members live a better life.

Host Your Own Food Drive

The mission:
As a community, there is always the opportunity to have a food drive. If you have any canned goods or non-perishable foods laying around the house, consider donating them. Studies show that Californians throw away nearly 6 million tons of food scraps or food waste each year. This year, let’s reduce our food waste and give back to those who are longing for a holiday dinner.

Give Back in Long Beach

Giving back is simply about making someone else smile or making their day a little bit better. You never know how far your simple act of kindness, small donation, or generous volunteer hours can go in helping someone get back on their feet. Put a smile on someone’s face this holiday season and you just might find yourself smiling too!

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