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Plantiitas in Long Beach Opens During Pandemic Shutdown, and Thrives

Plantiitas in Long Beach Opens During Pandemic Shutdown, and Thrives


While facing eviction during the 2020 pandemic, Plantiitas owners (and husbands!) Anthony and Kevin knew that they needed to figure out a way to make money or lose their home. “At the beginning, it wasn’t so much that we had a vision, it was a means of survival.  We could wait to get evicted or we could figure out a way to pay rent.” 

Anthony and Kevin are both passionate about plants, and they noticed that plants aren’t accessible to everybody.  

Many communities don’t have affordable plant retailers nearby, and Anthony and Kevin decided to take this opportunity to change that.  Though they didn’t have a lot of money, Anthony and Kevin spent what little they had on their first batch of plants and started selling out of their garage in Long Beach.  

Photo via instagram @plantiitas

Now Plantiitas is a nationwide brand, and they even get orders from neighboring countries.  They get their plants from all over the United States, and they were actually returning from a trip to Florida when I spoke with them on the phone.  They specialize in indoor tropical houseplants, and they have a huge variety to choose from.  

Although you can still purchase online from Plantiitas, they now have a store on 4th Street where you can shop in person.  While creating their store, Anthony and Kevin envisioned the vibe as being a whole experience.

“The store is a place where people can relax and have a moment to themselves.  It’s very restorative to spend time in a green space.  We wanted a vibe like a plant museum or a garden, and not only a place to shop.”

In addition to being able to shop and relax in Plantiitas, you can also get plant consultations and get advice about caring for your current or new plants.  They understand that caring for plants takes time, patience, and practice.  “Plants tell you when they’re happy and when they’re sad.  Sometimes they can be hard to listen to though.” 

What are the top 4 easiest indoor plants for beginners, in terms of needs and forgiveness?

  1. Snake plants (can tolerate lower light, less water, very forgiving)
  2. ZZ plants (similar care to snake plants)
  3. Pothos plants (many people’s first plants, including mine!  These are the trailing vine plants that many people have and they’re generous with growth)
  4. Evergreens (these are pretty and decorative, and there are a lot of options to choose from)

Anthony and Kevin are community oriented.

They are passionate about giving back to the community and they frequently participate in local events and projects.  They want patrons to know that the money they spend at Plantiitas is going back into the community.

Plantiitas is located at 2011 E 4th St Long Beach, CA 90814 // For more information:


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