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How To Make Your Bathroom Space Grow

How To Make Your Bathroom Space Grow


Bathrooms are the hardest rooms to decorate around the house and often end up feeling much tighter in space than they actually are. A bathroom is meant to be spacious or at least give the impression that you can move around freely in it. Most people will spend a lot of time in the bathroom doing their hair, makeup, or other hygienic routines. Don’t make one of the most used rooms in the house feel like a small and cluttered space. Take a look at five tips that will help you create an open and spacious feeling in your bathroom whether it’s big or small.


There is only one rule that you should have in mind when thinking about what mirror you should put in the bathroom. The bigger the better. Mirrors can make a room feel like it has twice the space and adds more light to the room in the process. Make sure that you don’t use mirrors side by side though as it will have an opposite effect and make the room feel once again crammed.

Natural Light

The more light you have coming into the bathroom the greater visual effect it will have on the space. Semi-gloss paint and big mirrors will attract a lot of light in the room. If you decide to want to go further with the natural light or feel that it’s not enough to your liking a solatube-skylight should do the trick.

Towel racks

Most people have towel racks attached to a wall near the shower. This rack is taking up wall space and creates a mood that feels cluttered. Instead, try moving those racks and attaching them to the bathroom door. For those that have a smaller space to work with this is especially helpful because it opens up wall space, and visually makes the room feel wider.


Research shows that bathrooms are usually small and dark. Paint can go a long way in a bathroom if you tend to stay with lighter colors. If you choose a unified lighter color throughout, it will visually expand the height of the room and at the same time mask the transitions and planes intersecting. As an extra tip when painting, if you use semi-gloss paint it will reflect the light coming in.


Finally, it is time to add your personal touch to the room. The only advice that can be given here is to try and keep things simple. The last thing you want is to add too much stuff and be back to where you started with a cramped bathroom feeling. Preferably, to keep with creating an illusion of a spacious bathroom try and keep things white if possible.


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