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Global Appetites: The Best Long Beach Take-Out from Around the World

Global Appetites: The Best Long Beach Take-Out from Around the World


Long Beach is blessed with a vibrant and cultural dining and take-out scene. From Cambodian favorites to intriguing Indian dishes, Long Beach residents are spoiled when it comes to tasting the globe. Let’s dive into just some of the best global take-out restaurants here in Long Beach.

BORNEO: Uncle Fung Borneo Eatery

The Uncle Fung Borneo Eatery is the perfect place to get a taste of invigorating, deliciously different cuisine. From their famous Malaysian laksas to mee goreng and chicken satay, Uncle Fung is serving up some of the most flavorful take out in town.

PERU: Aji Peruvian Cuisine 

For a take-out experience that makes you feel like you’re fine dining at home, try Aji Peruvian Cuisine. Their menu is full of delicious and carefully crafted Peruvian dishes. From succulent steaks to traditional rice dishes, the flavors of Peru are in full force at Aji. Feeling adventurous? Try their Anticucho de Corazon – grilled beef heart marinated with Aji Panca, potatoes, and ajisito casero. 


Mushroom Tofu Soup. Photo provided by Sura.

Nothing fills the belly better than a big bowl of bimimbap! Sura Korean BBQ offers so much more. Their extensive menu is packed with both delicious Korean eats and thirst-quenching craft beers. Here you’ll find fried rice, tofu soups, sizzling barbecue plates, ramen, and more. Korean food lovers and first-timers alike will find something delicious to take home. Don’t forget the kimchi! 

INDIA: Natraj Cuisine of India

Find all your favorite Indian dishes at Natraj Cuisine of India. This humble Indian restaurant offers rich, flavorful, healthy meals made from the heart. From tandoori dishes to curries to Indian street food, you won’t finish a meal from Natraj’s with an empty stomach!

HONDURAS: Honduras Kitchen

Those who have not tried Honduran food are missing out on an amazing, vibrant, creative cuisine! Thankfully, Long Beach is home to Honduras Kitchen, the exquisite restaurant of the Lorias family. Here you’ll tempt your taste buds with bright ceviche, comforting coconut soups, whole fried fish, and hearty Honduran brisket. No matter what you order, be sure to include their famous Baleada – a homemade flour tortilla topped with refried beans, Honduran cream, and dried cheese. 

Spice Up Your Plate

While dining at restaurants may still feel like a distant memory, there’s no reason we can’t enjoy the amazing dishes from our Long Beach chefs right at home. If you have yet to try one of these or the many other amazing Long Beach ethnic eateries, spice things up this week and you might just find a new favorite!

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