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“From the South to the West” Exhibition Honors Juneteenth

“From the South to the West” Exhibition Honors Juneteenth


In honor of Juneteenth, the Black Resource Center and Elite Skills Development are proud to announce their joint exhibition, titled “From the South to the West: African American Migration and Long Beach Harbor Development.”

This exhibit aims to showcase the intertwined histories of African Americans and the development of Long Beach Harbor from 1880 to 1950. Through a diverse collection of family profiles, photographs, and documents, visitors will gain insights into the experiences of African Americans who migrated to Long Beach during this era and their significant contributions to the harbor’s growth.

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The exhibit will be divided into several sections, each shedding light on a different aspect of African American migration and harbor development. The first section, “The Great Migration,” delves into the reasons behind African American moving from the South to the West, exploring the social, economic, and political factors that motivated individuals and families to relocate. It also examines the challenges they encountered upon arrival in the West.

In the second exhibit, “Building Community,” visitors will discover the ways African Americans forged a sense of community in Long Beach. This section highlights the establishment of churches, businesses, and social organizations that played pivotal roles in nurturing a supportive and vibrant community.

Image from the book cover of African Americans in Long Beach and Southern California.

The third exhibit, “Contributions to the Harbor” celebrates the invaluable contributions made by African Americans to the development of Long Beach Harbor. From their involvement in the construction of warships to their role in driving the growth of the shipping industry, this exhibit shows how African Americans played a significant part in shaping the city’s maritime landscape.

These exhibits will be open to the public from June 16 to June 20, between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., at the Black Resource Center located in Martin Luther King, Jr. Park, 1133 Rhea St., Long Beach. Admission is free, and families and friends are encouraged to attend and embark on this remarkable journey through African American history and harbor development.

The exhibition is part of the 2nd Annual JUNETEENTH King Park Celebration taking place June 18, which will also be paying tribute to Father’s Day. The celebration features various activities, including a DAD Zone, KIDS Zone, free community breakfast, and Church in the Park. JUNETEENTH at King Park is another free event taking place at 1950 Lemon Ave., from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information, visit

poster of Juneteenth Heritage Park Exhibit via Instagram: @eliteskillsdev


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