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Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Recipes

Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Recipes


One of the great things about living in California is taking part in the earth-friendly lifestyle. With so much beauty around us, it’s easy to want to preserve and protect our natural resources.

A simple way to protect our environment is by making smarter choices within our own homes. Unfortunately, many of our household cleaners contain toxic or harsh ingredients that can be dangerous for our bodies or harmful to the earth. Instead, let’s embrace a few tried and true DIY eco-friendly cleaners that get the job done safely.

Keep it Simple – All-Purpose Spray

Some of the best things in life are simple. Vinegar is a natural cleaning solution that works wonders on germs. Use this spray almost anywhere (just avoid stone surfaces like marble and use a baking soda scrub instead).

In a clean spray bottle, mix one part white vinegar with one part water, and 12-15 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional). Essential oils help to give the all-purpose spray a nice scent, but some oils contain antimicrobial properties. Try lavender, peppermint, oregano, or lemon. (Tip: Without the essential oil, you can use this as a glass cleaner).

No-Tox Laundry

Conventional laundry detergents and powders can contain toxic chemicals and allergens. Start fresh with a healthier, more natural alternative.

You’ll need:

  • 2 lbs Baking Soda
  • 2 Bars Castile Soap
  • 2 lbs Washing Soda
  • 5 lbs Oxo-Brite or Oxi-Clean Free

Start by grating both bars of soap, then add baking soda, washing soda, and oxy cleaner. Mix thoroughly, then transfer to a dedicated jar. To wash, use 1 TBS of mixture for each load of laundry. Do not mix with chlorine bleach.

DIY De-Greaser

Kitchens and workplaces can get greasy. Instead of using chemical degreasers, switch to a eco-friendlier cleaner to keep your kitchen spic and span.

You’ll need:

  • A spray bottle
  • 1 cup distilled white vinegar
  • Natural liquid soap
  • 1 TBS baking soda
  • Essential oil of choice (lemon, orange, or other citrus work well)

First, rise spray bottle with warm water. Then mix vinegar, 1-2 drops of liquid soap, and baking soda in the bottle. Fill to just below the neck of the bottle with warm water. Add your desired essential oils to the mix and shake. To use your cleaner, spray the mixture onto the greasy surface, then wipe away with a clean sponge or wash cloth.

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