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De-Stress from Election Press: 3 Ways to Clear Your Head

De-Stress from Election Press: 3 Ways to Clear Your Head


Election years always add stress, but this year there has been quite a lot to keep up with. For many of us, the election and politics in general can be exhausting and even lead to issues like anxiety, insomnia, and irritability. With election press everywhere, it can feel impossible to escape. So, stay informed and educated, have a voting plan in place, then give your mind some peace! 

Here are 3 things that you can do to de-stress from the election press:

Balance it out.
If you don’t want to turn off the news entirely, balance it out. Let’s say you watch an hour of news surrounding the election. To balance it out, spend at least an hour doing something that is uplifting immediately afterwards. Spend time in nature, tune into a show that makes you feel good, watch a movie that makes you laugh, practice a hobby that puts you in the zone. Whatever you do, but be sure to choose something that makes you feel relaxed.

Move your body, clear your mind.
Exercise, walking, yoga, and meditation are great ways to de-stress from anything – especially the election! This year has been quite overwhelming for most of us, and the upcoming election has only brought more negativity to the forefront of our minds, no matter which side you lean. So, lean into something else! Yoga is an easy exercise to get started as it can be done right at home. Or, go for a walk around the block, put on your favorite playlist and dance, or even do an energetic clean-up of the house. 

Spend time with family and friends.
Get off the news and on the phone. Calling a friend to chat puts you back into your own reality and helps give your mind a break. One rule, though: no politics! Tell your friend you need a break from election chatter and want to talk about things that bring you joy or talk about some fun memories you have together. Plan a future adventure or brainstorm all the places you want to visit someday. Share your best Thanksgiving recipes. 


Although the election is a very important current event, de-stressing from the constant press is necessary. Remember to take time away from it all. When in doubt, get outside, move your body, or phone a friend!

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