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Centro CHA: Empowering the Hispanic Community

Centro CHA: Empowering the Hispanic Community


Since its inception in 1992, Centro CHA’s mission has been to uplift and advance the Latinx/Hispanic community in Long Beach. This Latinx-serving non-profit organization drives social and economic development through its array of services and initiatives, including immigration services, workforce development, and support for local businesses. Centro CHA envisions a thriving city where investments in low-income environments are a priority, residents are connected and civically engaged, unemployment is low, and resources and housing are readily available for the community.

One of Centro CHA’s critical services is its immigration legal services, which include assistance with Certificate of Citizenship, Green Card Renewal, DACA Renewal, and Naturalization. Centro CHA offers these services free of charge and prepares naturalization applicants for their USCIS interviews. Centro CHA additionally offers informative presentations, consultations, and training sessions to community members about the naturalization process of becoming and United States citizen.

Image via Instagram: @centro_cha

Centro CHA’s commitment to community empowerment extends to workforce development. The organization offers mentoring, case management, health, social, and legal services, as well as restorative justice projects and civic leadership opportunities. A cornerstone of Centro CHA’s approach is its personalized case management, ensuring that each individual receives tailored support on their path to success.

In-house educational support and assistance for further education, including GED preparation and post-secondary education, are also offered. A case manager will work with the individual to prepare the proper paperwork and/or enroll them in GED preparation courses. Post Secondary Education assistance is also available for individuals looking to enroll in college or university. Case managers connect individuals with financial assistance options such as FAFSA or programs that support their financial needs.

Image via Instagram: @centro_cha

Recognizing that small business owners and entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of the community, Centro CHA dedicates a significant portion of its services to promoting economic empowerment. Local business owners can access a variety of workshops on topics such as financial literacy, social media marketing, and strategic growth planning. Centro CHA also facilitates access to capital through programs like KIVA loans and Latino Small Business grants.

Centro CHA’s enduring commitment to the Latinx/Hispanic community in Long Beach has made it a vital force for positive change. Through its integrated approach, advocacy, workforce development, education support, and dedication to small business growth, Centro CHA is a symbol of empowerment, improving the lives of those it serves and contributing to Long Beach’s Latinx/Hispanic community.

To learn more about Centro Cha’s services and initiatives, visit their website.

Image via Instagram: @centro_cha
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