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Be Thankful All Month Long: The Best Books About Gratitude

Be Thankful All Month Long: The Best Books About Gratitude


Gratitude is a powerful practice that can change your life. Now that we are moving into November and looking forward to Thanksgiving, what better way to enjoy the entire month than by focusing on gratitude?

When you start your day with things that you are grateful for, it changes your mindset and opens up space in your life for good things to happen. Gratitude is not just a state a mind, but a feeling. To enjoy the attitude of gratitude all month long, dig into these books and feel truly thankful!

The Best Books About Gratitude

  • The Little Book of Gratitude: Create a Life of Happiness and Wellbeing by Giving Thanks by Robert A. Emmons
    This book discusses the benefits of gratitude and encourages you to keep a gratitude journal, write letters of thanks, and meditate. This is a great read for anyone who is new to the idea of a “gratitude practice” or who wants some guidance in living a more grateful life.
  • Bless Back: Thank Those Who Shaped Your Life by Julie Saffrin
    This book not only discusses acts of gratitude but encourages the readers to tell people in their life how important they are and how much they are grateful for them. Sharing and showing your appreciation for others is an obvious way to practice gratitude, but we often shy away from showing others how much we appreciate them. This book helps to encourage and motivate us to give thanks more freely and watch the magic of gratitude unfold!
  • The Gift of Imperfection by Brené Brown
    In this book, Brené Brown explores our imperfections and how we can embrace them, rather than hide them. She changes the negative attitude about vulnerability and turns it into a gift – perhaps even something to be grateful for. Noticing our flaws and accepting them as part of who we are can change our mindset about the power of imperfections, and how to use them to our advantage.
  • BONUS: The Five-Minute Journal by Intelligent Change
    Instead of having a book to read about gratitude, why not actively practice gratitude with the Five-Minute Journal? This helpful workbook leads you through a daily exercise in which you identify three things that you are grateful for, what would make today great, and other daily affirmations. In the evening, you return to your book to dive in a little deeper and document the good things that happened in your day.
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