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B Squared Funding

B Squared Funding

This month we are featuring Babak Bijarchi of B Squared Funding. Starting a successful business in the mortgage industry in 2014, we decided to catch up with Babak to tell us a little more about what exactly a mortgage broker does.

How did you get into the mortgage industry?

Several years ago I was stuck at a dead end job and bored out of my mind.  I needed a challenge and my job wasn’t providing that.  I had a great friend who was a mortgage broker whom I referred business to on an ongoing basis. He was always thankful for the leads.  I mentioned to him I was looking for a new opportunity that gave me a challenge and let me be my own boss.  He showed me the ropes then sat down with me and asked if this was the challenge I was looking for. Helping people buy and finance their dream homes, work one-on-one with them, and no demanding boss other than myself.I couldn’t have said yes any faster.  That was 2001. I worked with him and he became my best friend and colleague.  In 2013 we both decided once again, that it was time for me to spread my wings.   I took a HUGE leap of faith in myself and my abilities, and opened B Squared Funding in January 2014

What is your area of expertise?

I get asked this a lot.  My answer, SERVICE! I treat each and every client (and potential clients) as if they were a friend, because we become so! Their wants, desires, and needs become mine and I take it all very personally.
The big banks and I match rates and fees, but working with me, the deal sealer is the level of service. My clients have access to me 24/7 via texting, calling, and email. I never let anyone down. Their success is my success.

What makes you passionate about your work?

Years ago when I got out of college, my parents gave me a chunk of cash and said “go get yourself a condo.” No direction, no guidance, just some money and have at it. This wasn’t a huge amount of money, but enough to get my feet in the door.  The mortgage broker I was referred to by my agent took advantage of me and my ignorance, raised rates at the last moment, and made me short to close. It was a complete nightmare. The agent wouldn’t return my calls, and the mortgage broker played a Houdini act and disappeared.  I had to borrow more money to close (thanks to my incredible parents)….the reason I tell you this. I WILL NEVER LET THIS HAPPEN TO MY CLIENTS.  This is my passion and I care deeply for everyone I work with. We are family!  When I launched my mortgage career, I made it my goal to treat every single client the way I would want to be treated.

In what ways do you provide personalized service?

I consult with my clients. I don’t just “get them a loan” I find out what their goals are and want to help them achieve them. Buying and financing a home can be nerve wracking and questions come up at odd times. My clients have access to me 24/7, even if it is after business hours. It’s that personal touch that sets me apart.  And after the deal is closed, those questions still come up. I let everyone know that closes escrow with me that I am now their resource center. Just because escrow closed doesn’t mean I did. And time and time again people call to ask me questions…years after closing. That makes my heart swell.

What is one of the best parts about your job?

The single best part of my job is calling my clients to let them know once escrow closes….THEY NOW OWN A HOME!  The joy it brings them also comes back to me.
Success on both sides!

What makes Long Beach home?

The community. The people. The weather. The beach. My business. As an active member in the LB community, I love the fact that even as big as Long Beach is, it has a small town feel…this is home!
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