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5 Simple Stress Relief Activities for Kids

5 Simple Stress Relief Activities for Kids


This summer, we’re all about relieving stress. The first half of 2020 has been a whirlwind of emotions, worries, and uncertainty for everyone – including our kids. Now that summer is in full swing, let’s use this time to re-center ourselves and help our kids get their stress under control.

Try these soothing stress-relief activities to help quell your anxious kids this summer.

Daily Gratitude Journal

A daily journal can help kids (and their parents) reduce stress with the power of gratitude. If your child is old enough to write, encourage them to write down a few things they are grateful for each day, something good that happened to them, or something positive about themselves.

Walk it Off

Walking is a great way for kids and adults to relieve stress. While many kids love running and jumping outside, a calming walk can also do wonders for young minds. Encourage a walking “meditation” where they slowly place each foot intentionally on the ground along a chosen path. Listen for nature sounds, fauna and flora, and even quiet.

At-Home Spa

We are all enjoying more time at home this year than usual, so why not host a day at the spa right at home? Kids love the royal treatment, but the time spent relaxing during a massage by mom or putting their feet up while their facial mask does its magic can also help to soothe a stressed-out mind.

Meditation Moments

Being quiet can be hard for kids, so use the power of guided meditation to help them find their focus while still having fun. Guided meditations can take children on imaginative journeys while helping them relive their stress or fall asleep. For an extra special meditation, go to the beach or create a Zen space in the backyard.

Make Bread

Get creative in the kitchen by making some mindful bread. Bread is an easy activity for kids of most ages to get involved with, and the process helps to quiet the mind and release pent up energy. You’ll enjoy a fun afternoon of baking, quiet mindfulness together, and a delicious treat at the end of the day!

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