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5 Reasons to Use a Real Estate Agent

5 Reasons to Use a Real Estate Agent


1. Getting The Right Price for Your Home


Real estate agents are experienced negotiators that will fight to get you the price you deserve on both your current home and the property you intend to purchase. Agents have an in depth understanding of how deals get made and are able to close for the right price without risking a retraction of the offer. They also know what adds or detracts from the value of a property, and often have knowledge of the surrounding area and neighbourhood that could also affect the price.


2. Understanding and Marketing Your Property


Realtors have access to large networks of buyers and sellers (including MLS). This helps connect you with people that are interested in your property as well as people selling what could be your dream home. Being able to make known what you have for sale and what you expect to as many people as possible makes it easier to find a buyer. Agents also use their networking skills to connect you to those selling their home, allowing you to find a place you will love.


3. Determining the Fastest Sale and Best Price


There is nothing worse than the limbo of a house for sale with little attention from buyers. A major factor in deciding whether to buy a house is first impressions, which can be difficult to gauge for prospective buyers. Real estate agents know what people want when it comes homes and can help you get it set up to appeal to a wide range of people. Sometimes it takes someone pointing out that although there is nothing wrong with your personal decorating taste, it may not be right for everyone. Making it easy for prospective buyers to see themselves living in the home is the key to a quick sell, and real estate agents know just how to do this.


4. They Are Well Connected


During and after the sale, there are a host of professionals that the buyer may need to contact. Mortgage agents, building contractors, inspectors, and government agencies are just a few. The best person to connect you is your real estate agent. The added confidence that comes with knowing this is often a huge factor in helping a sale go through, as no one wants to purchase a new home and then be left to fend for themselves should something go wrong.


5. They Understand All the Paperwork



Selling a home is a big job, and there are a lot of things to keep track of and a lot of contracts and forms to fill out. Knowing all the ins and outs of the industry is a realtor’s job. Realtors have spent years studying and practicing to learn it all, making their expertise very valuable. When you work with an agent, he or she will be able to handle all of the tricky negotiating and complete all of the tedious paperwork for you. In a deal as big as selling or buying a home, one incorrectly completed form or misworded contract can void the entire agreement and produce potential legal action.

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