Helping Our Community

We believe in our community and we know there are many of us willing to help those in need, and we know there’s a lot of people that need our help.


Please check the 2 forums below:

I Am in Need : This is where you can post your needs.
I Can Help : This is where you can post how you can help.


We are a loving community, we will get through this together. Stay safe Long Beach we love you!   

Note: To participate in the bulletin boards you must register or login with your Facebook account.


Users should be aware and be responsible when sharing personal information (e.g., home address, e-mail address, phone number, etc) on the bulletin boards. We do not recommend sharing any personal information on the forums.

We want everyone to be safe, so please make sure to not give any personal information to anyone until you confirm their identity and feel safe doing so. We encourage you to use Facebook and/or other Social Media to communicate and get more information from the other person.  You are responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these instances. Please take care when using these features.

Thank you and we hope this helps people in need, we will be monitoring this page as much as we can in an attempt to keep any unwanted solicitations or harmful content away, please remember this is a community effort and we just want to help. Please report any content you believe is not appropriate.

Long Beach Home + Living is not responsible for any interactions between the participants, this is meant to be an open forum for discussion and a resource to hopefully help people in need. Please participate at your own risk and be cautious when sharing any personal information. If you are exchanging items, we highly encourage you to meet at a public space.


If you have other resources that you think should be listed here, please contact us via Social Media, as we will be monitoring our social media accounts much more frequently.  Facebook  or Instagram